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Cell Migration Analyzer

- Segments and tracks fluorescently labeled cells from time lapse image sequences
- An additional fluorescence channel acting as a marker for including/ excluding certain cells can be used
- Descriptors characterizing migratory behaviour, morphological parameters and fluorescence distributions are reported in tab separated files that can be further processed by spreadsheet programs or R.
Name of Plugin/Operator:
(since MiToBo version 1.3)
Additional operators contained in the package:
- FluorescentCellSegmenter
- segments fluorescently labeled cells from images/ image sequences
- CellSegmentationPostprocessing
- postprocesses objects from binary images/ image sequences (e.g. size filtering)
- CellTrackerBipartite
- tracks (i.e. creates a label image sequence) objects from binary image sequences based on the objects' locations and areas
- MigrationAnalyzer
- calculates migration and shape descriptors of objects from a label image sequence as well as intensity descriptors if a corresponding fluorescence image sequence is given
- can create colored trajectories on a separate image or as overlay
Example images
tracking sequences