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Several image processing pipelines have already been developed in MiToBo.
Below you can find selected example applications, some of them have been published already.

  • Cytoskeleton Analyzer 2D (since MiToBo 1.8.13)
    is an advanced version of the Actin Analyzer 2D operator for quantifying and comparing structural patterns of the cytoskeleton in cells, e.g., of actin microfilament structures or microtubuli patterns.
  • PaCeQuant (released with MiToBo 1.8.6),
    for quantifying pavement cell shape in a high-throughput manner
  • MTB Cell Counter (since MiToBo 1.5),
    a tool for semi-automatic labeling and counting of spot-like structures like, e.g., plastides, stress granules or p-bodies
  • Neuron Analyzer 2D
    for segmenting the area of neurites and quantify protein concentrations within these neurites